Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

the end of october 2010 :)

malem blog :))
long time no post !
im so busy this month .
im preparing #vivarecisswara for the big event at Kinasih, Sukabumi
the event will be held tommorow on Nov, 1st 2010 :)
im excited 4 that :D
'n im proud of that ! ;))
okeeey in this post i'll be story about my feeling :
2days ago, 29th 2010 :
in my school held event that named edu fair .
im so interesting to participant the event .
many abroad university and domestic university was joined in the event.
im searching 'n asking all about the university . totally, im knowing much all about university :)
i want psychology or relation intenational !
n i want try UNI-BRIDGE to AUSTRALIA :)
i hope this dream come true ;)

yesterday okt, 30th 2010 :
2yrs ago, michaelparis give his love to me !
2yrs ago, he promise to always make me hppily after
2yrs ago, im melting about his love
i still remember all of things that was happened 2yrs ago
i save it on my memory of brain
'n now im missing his face , his love , his laugh , his voice , etc .
i hope i'll meet he again w/ another accident ;)

bytheway im so tired .
bye2 blog :)

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

kabinet baru at sepuluh.lima :D

woy blog :D
hari ini gilaaa abis deeeuh pokonya :D
haha !
jadi gini, gue kan punya temen.
yah bsa dbilang BFF gue lah di sepuluh.lima
namanya sharon, laurentia, intan, sama dian :)
yaah 1 lagi runi 'n bianca juga sahabat gue banget ;)
mm jadi sharon tuh punya cita2 gitu jadi presiden *W.O.W banget ga tuh ?*
terus tadi pas b.ingg qta tuh malah talking2 gaje soal kabinet2 gitu haha
gini nh datanya
capres : sharon
cawapres : laurentia
tim sukses : gue ; intan ; sama dian
ih gila banget deh kita ngerancang itu semua wkwk .
pake acara minta dukungan gitu deh gue , intan + dian sebagai tim sukses :D
haha yaaah terus hari ini ambil darah HB gitu . ckck
yaaah ampun malah ketawa2 gila coba gue . bzzzz . akhirnya darah gue yg keluar malah mubazir gitcuu .
at least today I studied many subject of my part life that build my soul 'n my characteristic ;)
'n i love my bestfriend so much :)

udah ah .
bye blog :)
xoxo .

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

stupidity -.-

today isn't special. everytime that i was passed is so bored -.-'
veryvery BORED .
btw, yesterday HW read my blog. 'n he read my new post. OMG . im shocked 'n very embarrased ;(
i so stupidity + poor girl -.-'
so i said to he, that i also ever felt inluv to him
yeeah . he shocked enough that knew it :D
but my statement not can change anything . HW has a girlfriend, who he love so much to her :)
in here, i just can pray that they can be a longlast :D
okeeh stooop for this today.
sorry if my grammar not well
i'll try a best 4 next post :D
bye bye .

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

new home, new LIFE :)

hey guys :)
this night i'll share a little bit of my part life that will be change from tommorow :D
im already moving on to my 2nd house in bukit cimanggu city, @ greenland . yeah so sad that leave my 1st home in katulampa, cz im in there since i was young . very hard to leave it :((
when I told to tammi, my bestfriend, she was shocked 'n sad. when I told to daniel, he also argument like tammi .
'n when im told HW (a boy who ever felt in love to me ), he just smile and just said "bye" GOSH ! honestly from the deep my heart, i want he said "okay. I'll be miss u a lot . 'n I'll remember you. i'm still waiting u " . LOL . i like a poor girl (¬_¬') .
btw back to the topic. i was so tired to pick something to 2nd floor in my 2nd house .
up an down for many times -.-'
because it now my dad 'n I have a fever + cough !
bytheway :
tommorow I'll be a new Irena ;)
that have billion dreams
i hope aura of my 2nd house will be a positif to me :DD
nite blog !
:* :*
xoxo ..

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

crazy day part 2 :*

crazy day selanjutnya hari ini kejadian di tempat les gue tercinta alias LIA PAKUAN . haha :D
jadi kan si teacher gw ini ngasi tugas bikin paragraf buat dipresentasiin hari rabu besok. 'n kelompok gw tuh ray sama temen bianca. gue ngebahas ttg internet 'n kita bahas di kantin abis pulang LIA.
dikantin ray duduk disebelah gue. seberang gue bianca. sebelah bianca itu edga alias depannya ray . gue sama ray ngerjain gitu . terus pas lagi ngerjain gitu, si bianca nyeletuk apa gitu , gw sama ray langsung bilang barengan "ko langsung si ?" . anjir, ci bianca langsung cie cie haha . gue sama ray cuma ketawa2 garing. gilaa disitu gatau kenapa pipi gw udah merah banget . haha :D pas lagi serius2 gitu , temen lama gue ANDRA dateng ya qta cerita2 . haha
'n out of blue tuh ya si andra teriak2 di belakang gue sama ray : "Ren, lu udah jadian sama DIA ?" . gilaa bangeeet . untung ray baik haha . jadi dieeem aja . aaah parah banget, gw masih selalu senyum2 kalo inget itu . tq yaaah ray fernando buat hari ini :))

sekian ceritaaa gueee :)
tq udah mau baca :D
babay blogg :* :*

crazy day part 1 :*

hi ! haha tumben banget kan gue ngepost . soalnya gue lagi niat banget nih buat cerita segala2nya yg gue alamin hari ini, yg NEVER PASS in my mind :)
its be a wonderful memory of today . check this out ;)
first, pagi ini gw nabrak sebuah mobil MERCY ! 'n untungnya si empunya mobil tersenyum maniiiisssss banget 'n balik masuk ke mobilnya . haha aaah gilaaa . gw ampe cengo ngeliat ada orang kaya tuh bapak2 :)
second, trnyata ga sampe situ aja. pas gw lagi di empang alias deket BTM, gw DITABRAK beRUNTUN . 'n udah diciri'in sama si polisi . awawaw . gw udah spot jantung cz gw ga bawa STNK 'n SIM . ih parah bangeeet deeh gw -.-' . untungnya tuh polisi nyuruh gue langsung maju ajah . OHMYGOD ! have a bless day banget gueee today :)

Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

ah bingung :(

bloggg :D
mau cerita nih :))

kemaren tgl 08.10.2010 , wali kelas gue Ibu Agnes Atik S. birthday looh . haha :D
ih gilaaa seru abis abis deh . pas tgl 07 nya tuh gw, Laurent, Sharon, sama Dian udah stres tuh ya cari tart dimanaa . sedangkan badget duitnya tuh 95rb . ( badget = 70rb beli cake , sisanya beli yg laen2) . yah setelah ribet cari2 ntu cake akhirnya jam 3an qta memutuskan buat beli di tempat cake rumahan yg deket rumah rita. gw suruh si eric beli kanvas uk 30x40 cm 'n foto bu atik uk 4R dari fb . next morningnya : hari jumat (pembagian rapot bayangan juga tuh hari) . cheryl dah nyiapin kanvas sama fotonya yg di tempel di tengah kanvas . terus qta tanda tangan tuh kanvas. kalo maslah kue, qta titipin ke kantin . 'n the SHOW TIME . pas pelajaran terakhir selese, gw , Laurent, sama Sharon ke kantin ngambil kue . pinjem pisau , masangin lilin . yaa pokonyasi ibu dibuat shock dulu deh sama si k.a (baca : Kevin.Antonius) haha :D tiba2 gw, Tasha, 'n Laurent bawa tuh kue . ih si ibu terharuuu abisss . oh ya qta kasih kado spesial juga buat si ibu. yg ini rahasiaa ;)

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

gajelaass -__-

hallo my lovely blog :*
long time no post !
hari ini 03.10.2010 hari minggu
gue lagi dilanda bete berkepanjangan(apadeh gue -,-)
besok sekolah gw ngadain Fransiskus Day gitu
ya acara cinta lingkungan gitu deh ya
kalo engga tau pada search aja tuh di mbah 'google' hehehe
gue teh lagi meratapi nasib gue yg jojoba alias jomblo2 bahagia. be single, be happy gitu sih maksudnya haha
tapi ya adeuhh, bosen juga nih gue -___-'
*curcol deh gue* hahaha
yaa pengen punya cowo deh gue sekaraaang .
komposisi tipe co gue tuh :
yaa musti terima gue apa adanya, bukan ada apanya !
musti sabar ngadepin gue
'en engga pake lebay ! wkwk
udah gitu doang haha
gampaang kan ?
tapi stok co begitu susah bray jama sekarang :D
yaa tunggu aja deh , ampe ada yg PASTI PAS sama gue . wkwk
ya Tuhan, semoga aja cowo kaya gitu ada sepuluh, mm seratus deh, eeh sejuta deh . jangan deh seBANYAK aja hihi . amin :)
udah ah cape nulis post gaje begini . daaaah blog :* :*