Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

blahblahblah :)))

post mini blog for valentine days :3

nothing special just be a special person for yesterday, today, tommorow, and ever :)

'#be a single being happy'

qoutes for #jomblongenes (˘﹏﹏˘')

envy for couples who celebrate the valentine with chocholate, a bucket of rose, and the last ; billion of love . ♥

in here, I just alone and silent
smiling for everything that I've already got .
the best present from my savior Jesus Christ : *my family & my friends* :)

being single not bad as I though .
i can do everything without permission + disagree from 'he' °\(ˆ▽ˆ)/°

sometimes, I miss had bf :)
miss someone who protect me .
someone who take care of me .
and someone who teach me how to survive all of the problem .

but, in another hand, I must realize everyone can give me more and more than it. all I need , all I want maybe can't I got in this real life . I must be strong 'n always keep fighting°\(╰_╯)/°

just say thanksful for what Jesus did for me.
thankyou so much .
and also trims to anyone who read this post
trims guys (●*∩_∩*●)